Spencer & Gillen

A journey through Aboriginal Australia

W.B. Spencer 1903 Urabunna Old peake Station

Physical Description

Notebook. Black, hard covered. Label adhered to front cover with typed annotation. Entries in pencil. Handwritten annotation inside front cover. Cover detached

Primary Comments

Annotation in pencil inside front cover; "Urabunna Old Peake Station 1903". First entry is on August the 6th and last entry is 15th of August (1903). Includes references to numerous cultural groups and languages from the Simpson Desert region, illustrations of sites, language data and information regarding ceremonies and kinship etc.



Aug 6, 1903

Wonkongaru Tribe
Ularra-aka – alcheringa

[Drawing of a Crab]
Coppertop = cadni intjalkirra
Along alchera Cadni jump up there
An Arunta man of the rain totem with wife of rain totem came into Ura[?] two children both water.
[margin note] see later
Cadni in altjeringa jump up at Macumba or by[?] and …. Made…. spring at Jadianna spring snake called Kurnmara jumped up Camped he go on. Macb Camped at Mt Deavion (Kackuramna) made spring at Unurnurna went on to Kadna Tjuraka (small spring). Went on.


Tribes known to “Charley”
Yantra wunta
Wonk gonaru

Kupa = little child
Mutaurputa = very old man mathapurda= an adult man
Mutaurputa-purnta = oknirabata
Arai = yes
No = padni
1 = gnuia
2 = parkulu
3 = kulpari
4 = parkula parkulu


Kadnis lubra stopped at coppertop.
Kadni was Matthuric.
Charley’s lubra is rain she has a Piraungaru who is snake.
‘Donkey’ is an rain emu man his lubra is snake .
Wobmo man marries parti (grub)
Akulio + rain in Urabunna
“Donkey” is Akulia (rain). Emu but associated with rain.
Kadni man caught okiliana (small lizard) lubra who grew up into an unkurta* lizard
Matthurie man with matthurie got Kiraraurja pilaning
rain man’s mother’s
Nūkwa mob (urakina)
Uru = man (uraku[?])
Uluila = lubra “
Munkurra – qui ai u
Turtilla – wi ai u


K {Panya
M {Bult.
Tjanji wanpurta =a water hole near Mt Kingston
barkula = 2 men


Aug 7. Aug. Mt Kingston
Pitjinta = ^ painting for corrobboree intitjinma. (intitjula)
Pani inta = rain name given to painting
of body when perform intichinma
Tjilti or Korara = rain
grass grass . munyeru
Warrukatthi (emu)
Show emu ceremony when cut boy after that emu jump up.
Along salt creek country make intichinma for fish. [line linking to creek] (Kala).
Aug. 8
Gmumaru màruna near Kurara murkaru (Mt Kingston)
Korara padninta = man of quab to make water
Lubras not allowed to see this ceremone
Rain ceremony [two sketches of stick arrangements]
get two sticks & put along ground first time. also paint stick (make from root of wattle or gum)
2 men decorated


Urmaiya Arunta call class Buntu
Karara balku (= K. meat)
ordinay meat = kati
purka = dead smelling meat
Purula tjilka = Purula class (S. Arunta)
iwunna Purla tjike unta tjilka – what is your class.
Father Kararua (Pannya) rain
Mother Matthuri Parti
Piranyam woman- another a rat talka pirrangura ,
Before Donkey took charge of rain place a red ochn had charge but rain men came up & made rain there when wanted


Rain song.
Radua walta walta
Radua walta walta
“ “ wai
“ “ walta
“ “ wai
Maintja Guatja leia
Uramaintja aljnaitja anitja
Dance this corrobboree all day
only rain man can make rain
If wrong man paint himself he dies.
= cloud rising
(1) Old man Merkilli Markilli when cut
Kulpalli – parku – wantata – loy[?]
Mutthurie (Bulthau)
bottom Macumba Creek
Totem. Partí- lubra. K[?]iaram. kukula (rat)
children 1 girl. Kirarana kukula.
(2) Old men Utapinji. Kararu (Kumaru)
Kadnoui. Piltilli when cut
Totem. Kalku (acacia seed) lubra Matthurie
parti. (caterpilla) no children but if are paili.
Father Matthurie. Eaglehawk (Karara). Mother un. kalku ?


Matjilli & Paki inki
got[?] piranngaru who is “fish”
fish man cannot take emu as nupa
if the obma man dies then the
fish man is no longer piranngaru
to that woman. she goes as nupa to
a snake man.

? Bara kópuqua intjanta barakopqua = what is your totem place
Buru kutiangu = oknan killa in
N. Urubanna
/mother kukula
Charley (Purula) rain. lubra (Panga) rain kukula
mother of lubra – kukula. father caterpilla (Mertjilli[?])
the lubra has piranngaru rain
= spot where ^great alcheringa ancestor sat down in alch. =totem place
Ularăka = alcheringa
tipa = bug


(3) Matjilli. bottom Macumba.
Matthurie (Bulthara). Obma.
lubra. Kararu (Kuniara) warrukati (emu)
no children lubra if would be emu
Father ^ Pan[?]ga & Mother & Purula (Matthurie) both ^obmas father came from Anunta
wantjali when old
(4) Ilimmeri (Donkey) Kararu
bottom Macumba. Emu E Rain (Karara)
lubra Matthuri. shag (Iantanni)
Father shag (Iantanni) rain
Mother Emu
Children Matthuri. Shag.

Paltínda totem …. alcheringa
=”oku anikilla” = totem
=spirit children in bush
mai-aurli = going of child inside mother
kumpirra – spirit of ^dead person which goes along mother
left in the alcheringa. long long time ago.
Spirit of rain totem mixed up bush.


In alcheringa ^blacky[?] follow[?] mai aurli go along found & leave[?] mai aurli in ground. then mai aurli subsequently reincarnated
Nurdla = black fellow
Blackfellow pigeon[?] people danced at camp and left maiaurli there jumped up here.
Child jump up all same mother wherever caught. Pije Children left behind by pigeon ancestor if enter Emu woman are born emu
…. sat down at Par
If Kuna[?] ^Bulthar man dies his maiaurli walks about will not go into a Purula ^ woman Pu… ^(would kill her if did) but can inside any other Purula woman or a Kuruara woman.


Suppose Donkey (Panga) for die no go along his mother (Kumai) go along another lubra. If goes along Kumna kills her. By & by finds Purula woman.
Always changes class & totem.
Mai aurli = murra murra
Kaden ^(unkurtu) old woman ^man jumped up out of ground paltiuta long time ago Came up to Urabunna country & found a little lizard ^old woman katata (Gebyra ? ....) Want to marry her. Katata ‘caught’ her she grew to kadni.
[margin note] okiliana
Old man made boomerangs all day. There Stood up at Koppertop & threw boomerang to E. Went long way & threw boomerang Another Kadni been hear old man marry woman. big mob kadni came up


Old man left kadni woman at Coppertop. Took boomerangs with him & walked on. Mob came & wanted to kill him because he had been marrying kadni.
At Kadni kumamia fought Kadni been knock em all about kill em. Ulpa jumped up. Old man kadni died there also. Big lot of stones arose then.
Mai aurli there now.
Kadni eat parti all day. If no grasshopper eat bush.
Old woman say what for my old man no came back. Started off N.E. got picaniny (plenty) along guts (along old Kadni). Put spirits along Ugnuna (in Arunta) clan to C.W. There “no good”.


Kadni untjalkera = koppertop
= where Kadni stood up in Alcheri when throwing boomerang.


Intitjiula Knock[?] ^at Koppertop pits of stars[?] off colour which represents man standing up. Anyone can do this & it makes plenty kadni jump up.
{yati iliuki nar ai
{Yalla katjai alpunda
{Yalla iliuki in nar ai
{Yalla longi angani irrawa
U ya lungi angangi irraw
Then Sing while doing this the above words & then throw stones about
This[?] in Arunta
If it had been an alcher. oknankilla would have put sticks through scrotum
Lubra mu


Gnura = camp
gnura ularaka = mira alcheringa,


Green & brown snakes called Kururuara[?] sit down Janiati water hole & made string. Sat down inside along of water. They were snakes not men.
Walked sat down Mura murana made man string & caught munyeru seed. Looked and saw snake along Macumba. Sent brown snake to look out from top of hill (Kulkararuia – Bald hill) Said hallo that ^my place burn. Went on to Munduana spring. Walked to middle springs (two ^snakes together) Sat down outside spring. Then went along & sat down by another spring Kaltikaltuija (30 mile spring). On to Fountain spring (Wurntalruga) caught munyeru seed. Went Bushes spring up then where they threw sticks away.


first time were ^two brother Purula (Kararu) then change brown
green snake say you my unkulla (witiwa)
green snake stay Kararu Purulu
brown snake Matthurie Panunga


Sat down at Mt Charlotte (trig on) went little way on Sat down by Akundana spring. Went on to another spring (made spring wherem he camped). Sat down by another spring Pura maka tjainina. Went to Mt Margaret hill Kadna-waru. Sat down at foot. One snake sat in straw[?] wurley on each side. Went on tied up hair. Stood up Sat down with heads up right. Two hills sprang up Kari linna. By & by walked on following Umbunga creek which made. On to Brinkley’s spring & sat down Juraturanna. Went on to Loddon’s spar (Kartarina). Walked on to Kuritjina big swamp. Sat down at Wobmadingalina & warmed themselves in grass[?] wen cold = snakes warm themselves On to


Kilara. Went on to Strangways made springs. Bungawarina. Caught munyeru seed there. Walk on to wash pool (springs). On to Miller’s creek litta fellow spring Mudla mudla kaninga on to Range. Eat uralli (little rat). Green one eat big ones & (big b brown one eat little ones. Here brown one find big rat & eat it all. Caught Saw rock wallaby tracks. Said holla we catch wallaby. Green one rounded them up brown one sat down on tracks. Caught & eat up. Brown snake eat all but ly. Green went on with forked stick. brown asleep. Put stick in brown snake anus. to pull wallaby out found none left as all digested. Retraced steps. Camped at W.H. Winja purana. Said we


two fellow unkulla ^ uruluma[?] =(witiwa) now. Green one burnt stone (nunkulla) Eat them. Him good tuck out. Brown one took stone out of fire given by green one to him. Burnt him. Green one had been gamming eat them kept them in mouth. Hence brown snake got red mark on belly. Green one ^Find yellow snake chased it. (Green walk ahead brown behind). small[?] big fellow creek. Yellow snake went down, then green then brown if 3 diff. spots &made ocknankilla here. 3 springs sit down here.
Left maiaurli all about.
Kini katjaruia = name of spring where the snakes tumbled down. B.f. no go near here frightened. snake sits down there. kill bullock & b.fs.


Eating of totem
Sacred names
Nanja Origin of country
inheritance of effects
avenging deaths
Wonkongaru country has tradition of inapertura cut up to form human beings but not in Urabuna
Ekerinja = erintja
Man = uro
Ururlunla warlurla


[line drawn vertically down page]
Sacred cere[?] = wad wandattha wadni
Corrobboree = wal warunda

Aug. 9. Sunday Mt Kingston Camp
Lizard titauri some maiaurli changed into. some maiaurli changed into men & women went through 3 stages of hardness.
black fellow not kill nor eat the lizard if kill then hurt them.
In Uralakin 2 Kurumara travelled Elder said you Matthurie me Kararu (see before)
First time the country round like a ball B.r Maiaurli jump up
Eating of totem
Man not eat him totem. Kanen run Emu kills emu & gives it to men of other totems. If eat is sicky sicky & die


When starving may eat them.
Emu man gives it to father. Kakuka but name
arilinja = ekerinja
sun = miu
moon = parala
stars = katipilla
gum tree = pita
Cannt talk to wifes mother yamboa = mura
Can talk to elder & younger sisters. (not like Arunta)
Only speak long way off to father in law.
mung-unda = ashamed
(=irnarrirrima shy in Arunta)
Eats meat killed by father in law if latter gives it to son in law.
totem not give eat meat if given by yamboa
If offered says munkutta – let it go & walks away.
Gives meat to kawkuka who distributes it.


Makka fire
first time big fella madlá cant get un makka. Kuti the swan lay down cold cant get fire eat raw meat. Two[?] fellow[?] kuti come out from ground at place where two big round hills near Beltana sat down there. Another Big mob there. ^Two Swan grow[?] up Swan brought out litta fire at end of neck. Kept fire themselves. All about black fellows get up in morning. say hallo fire them saw light along the beaks just blazing up. Two swans Two hawks (makoboli-lulkalla) black fellows were sent by the others to the swans to catch makka. Two hawks were[?] crilian [?] blacked bodies all over with charcoal. Two swans started off. Camped & two hawks tried to catch them. Could not


catch them. Tried to catch then by swooping but swans held necks down. Could not catch them flew back. Little bird (hawk) then sent (Midla[?] paltniga) sent there so Two little hawks swooped but swans stooped neck. Swans got close up Lake Eyre (Pantu – or Katitunda) Two white hawks then sent (got ud by[?]) (Palparra). Went right up into sky. Two brothers. Younger brother said You try them my brother. Elder to younger you try them. Came down like a shot. Close up catch them. Elder brother came down very[?] strong[?] catch em fire stick. Took it back along his camp. Swan cried – no got em fire. Sparks flew all about.
Makka kudna = smoke. this is name of many fire totem. Fire man can get fire for himself.
Puntura = lartna
Kurinda = subincision


Left foot on wood
Litta bit bark
[sketch of two feet and fire sticks]
hands bark[?] over & puts smouldering embers in little man dry grass. mid held in hand till blaze up.
Makka-thakuppa the fire maker.
Wa papa – root used for making fire


Wuntnurua a big range near Peake.
First time cut for[?] them along fire stick, died. Another boy along fire stick. dead. All day this way. Last boy sat down. Two old men came up from another country. Wonkonjaru country. Two men wobma & red ochre ^(arkuppa). Went into ground. Look out when men ready to cut boy. Marla[?]corrobboree. Want to cut along fire stick. Two old men had Had hold of skin. Two men with stones jumped up out em off ground. What name been do that one. Two men had gone away. Who been do em You no You no You no. Then if[?] em boy good you get him fire mark. Make em corrobboree
Atundo wari iarno
Left fire stick. Now men[?] came who said you chuck[?] em fire stick. Give them stone – turla
Then split them up.


Karala = ceek[creek]
Takanunda = piercing of ceremony wobma man at intich
Pitjinta = intich.


Tjantji wanperta hill was tree stone.
[margin note] nanja
the nanja of b.f. when latter died the stone tumbled down the hill.
Watthilli = nanja.
Old man ^Parki ingi to any his[?] watthilli is a water hole calls this his kuttatupi watthilli does not eat fish nor drink water out of this.
Panki ingi had name given to him by father. Another name is Matjilli. The old snake had eaten too much rat & was stuffed up = matja. Parki ingi = snake track. Parki ingi when boy. Matjilli after initiation.
Donkey’s watthilli is
[margin note] Nanja
Tjantjnwanperta w.h. by side of hill is watthilli of Wampilli. Kurinuka
[margin note] Matjilli Donkey
Yakukupatjinkika ^ doesn’t touch anything on that hill


Piriltja same as small wanniga …. …. but must not use small wanniga or else men further with growl. Use large wanniga


Rain ^Karara Ceremony of Tjantjiwanperta
Headdress of hair string entirely covered white down extending over shoulders & chest. One bar down across stomach. two longit bars on back one @ side spine. 2 bars on each thigh. Cockatoo feathers headdress. Bunches eagle hawk feathers from girdle all round. Held womer in two hands convex downwards. also bunches eagle hawk feathers. Squatted resting on feet three men standing up one squatting each side held stone with wh. struck ground while singing
At nan walta walta
Mantja lintjurla an ni
Tjalpara manbja
Mantja an ni tjalpinna
Rose to stooping position striking out - moving womara backwards & forwards squirming[?] body. Moving head side to side


Wandi = sacred ceremony of Rain
Palparaa = “ “ “ obma

Pariltja was churinga of obma man.

Paiidni bones used

Thantha = churinga

Pitjinta = initchinma.


then arose more erect - legs wide apart Stamping striking air with womera as rotated. moved swing head right & left & looking upwards. Then abruptly sat down.

Wadnangadni of Pantina [in blue pencil] ^obma[word circled] big carpet snake
Wore pariltja on top head. knelt down held arm at full length holding bone in each hand. Man on each side took bone. Man on left placed bone in his right hand. Pinched up skin of arm performa[?] thrust bone through skin Then man on right side placed bone in his left hand & same perf[?]. As soon as bones fixed in flesh man held arm out at length singing
lirri wat thai umpai
lara nalari tjinta
repeated twice.


Panga ^Kua Bulthama ^Mat Punda
Kumaru Punlu Brelth Pan

Iltjurta = Arunter {grass out of wh. Seed taken for grinding
Korúngalla = Urabum {

Munthara – acacia tree wh mix charred leaves of with tobacco
[sketch of two sticks at right angles]
Kuppa = child
Wapuppa = stick
Wapuppa aluka – mother,
Makkatira = fire stick


Aug 10
Mt. Kingston Kururu merkulla
Mutapatta old man jumped up at big rock Tjanjiwanperta
(paltinta = his place of origin in alcheringa)
very small boy his mate jumped out of bush at same place. Were first mai aurli little boy called old man tanti (grandfather) Boy grow up quick. All day sit down.
Mŭgia = gypsum Old man get gypsum along of his place - ground it up to flour. Cloudy sun out along sky made cloudy all round. First in one direction then another.
[margin note] …. also women
These clouds were nurdla men. Men turned into cloud. Got n Mob of clouds black fellows.
Little boy walk short way. Old man sat down blind (kurnku).
Old man say don’t open your eye too much don’t look too far. Boy came back &


Karingala is name of bush which the cloud men found at Karingaalinga.
Smelt leaves –sang of the bush when made corobborree.
Cloud men rose as clouds &formed a big bank low down in sky. Rain came from these clouds. All about clay pan. Sang em first time.


Sat down with his g.f. Old man smash em more gypsum. Got more cloud black fellow. Then rain fell. Boy not see mob of cloud men. Boy sleep. Big mob cloud man come back ^bringing Kadnunga (bush wallaby). Old man opened his eyes a little (could see him gamin blind) Mob came up travel Mt Kingston from W. Boy said Tanti where you been get em that meat. Him say you & me catch em. Boy say tracks of cloud men. Where are these[?] he said. Old man say you & me been walk about. Cloud men cleared out altogether to Karingadlinga. Little boy open eye “I tall Tanti what name. see em Paru (lightning) See em more lightening say. Old man say you see em too much fire (no want to tell him it Paru) Boy slept. Daylight saw no one. Cloud men found corrobboree at Karingadlinga Black fellow came up all same cloud then came back. caught bush wallaby & sat down


[annotated sketch map]
-first made rain
2nd rain
-nirngu[?] 3rd rain
-original spot where old man & boy


at Wurpunga Ngurpanha (Kekwick Springs) cooked meat there by side of big gum tree which arose to mark the spot. Came to Murdlabuntakana make em more rain. went up into sky as cloud low down. walked on to Wirintjina (sandhill) left …. of m[?]t here went into sky again big rain. No more black fellow only cloud. Big thunder – lightning (crack-like) lightning opened ground & spring (Wuntuwardina) jump up All day rain, rain. Rain get close up old man. Clouds changed into them again. Boy see em – old man say, you cant see em too much light only reflection of fire. Old man could not[?] stop them. Lightning come all around. Cloud men right in with old man. Boy sleep. Cloud men gave meat to old man Mt Kingston range made by them in their track. follow old man Arunta comes up ^ named Idlironkika old rain man. This man unkulla along of old Urapunu man Two fellow yabba.


Kurar & Balku = cloud

Tjilti = rain
Kuttha = water

Ar man took churinga[?] (stone) from Ur. & left him none. so now no got any.

Katitunda = L. Eyre.


Old man did not come close up. sat down on hill next beyond Mt Kingston. Arunta man said I saw your lightning. Ur. said Alchuringa Iaitcha Me big fellow shamed what for you want to look out my churinga (watthilli) place. Him say all right witiwa I go back Ar. steal undattha from Ur. man. Took 2 red & 2 white bran[?] & left the Ur. man only I – which he now wears.
[sketch of four nested semicircles]
If Ar. man makes rain uses these four. Ar. man go back. Ur man hoisted boy on shoulder & took his cloud men away. Cloud men got on old man - boy on top. Started off little way & camped on Mt Kingston Plain. Too much heavy. All of them went up little way & make rain. flood on plain. Came down again.
Left gypsum on Mt K. plain (= Tjirripinunna). On to Wiarinna w.h. stopped . On to Tantanna-wilinna (=shag camp). ^hot wind came up On to Waranthunna Creek in shade. travelled on spelling at various


K x M. M.
M. x K K.
Some of the cloud people made by old men were men others lubra. some M. some K. no rain man many many rain woman.

Old Ur. man K. Panga his grandson was K. Panga.

̽ named fnumara


places. Made wurly at Bunga wallinna^ =wurley & camped. Go up along sky at Putjellana & made rain. Down again : turn to men. Another black fellow long way off see rain[?] & say Hallo rain come up. Him rain man ^unkulla witiwa of old Ur. man. Him see cloud go away & say “him looke up now.” He had a rain ock. of his own. Katapithirallina. Black fellow go into sky again. ^onto & camped at Wadnabukana no malle[?] rain here. Left. Went on lift up again  & made. rain. Old man again saw cloud. then he made rain & the two clouds met, at ‘ Wi impirrina. Came down to earth again. boxed up. Second old man Matthuri[?] named Mintalli. First old man was Kiraru & Ar was Parula (Matthuri). All left up (& old men’s^mob). Then rain. Found ̽a very old man very dry close up dead a Kiraru Drank water & got alright. Finish[?] at Marakatthinna where is Oknankilla. along Wonkongaru. Plenty mai aurli there.


N. Urap. Not got Churibaliri borrow from S. Ar. or send down to S. Ur.
Sing[?] to boy
this one gno-orti which mean a str belonging to a stranger: borrowed. No show em boy or woman. ^mother em ^father etc trouble home suppose you show em.

If I make a Churinga & send him the S.A. sulky & others who have them Say what for you make em you no get em
Women think the noise is a …. by a spirit called Tjirubaliri ^Witurna who takem guts out of boys.


this also Wonkongaru
Sexes attende[?] at surccerim reincarnation
Maramudurall mudliuina
Kirara Matthuri
Cloud Emu (S not N)
Acacia seed (Kalku)


Tipungapunga Creek other side Nilpinna
[2 concentric circles] eagle hawk irritja get 2 picaninny
[1 circle] mate of eagle hawk wantu wantu got 2 picaninny
[1 circle] camp of husband of sister of 3
[1 circle] unkulla camp
[1 circle] little night hawk kuta kuta no picaninny
1 & 2 get big tree . walk about
…. 1 left fire 2 left fire & walked little way ^irritja found black fellow camp. Say you all about go my old man come up soon. All cleared out Wantu wantu come up. Irritja catch one black fellow to eat em. Wantu come up say hallo you got em mob[?] No me only got em one fellow. Wantu run about along track. Then Wantu kill Em & eat him. Give some meat along his picaninny. Irritja go to catch wallaby no eat b.f. Catch big mob. Wantu go back . give b.f. food to his pic. Irritja give his pic. wallaby. Start out again. Irritja find big camp. Wantu behind. Irritja


Say you clear out . my old man come up. Caught one b.f. Wantu come up. Hallo you got em big mob. No only one b.f. Wantu look out track. Kill b.f. eat him half. Irritja again catch wallaby etc. as before. Start out again along another mob. catch one b.f. as before etc. Caught one b.f. bad with boils all over. Back to camp as before. Picanin now grow up. Irritja & Wantu go out long way find big camp etc. Caught one man arm up by side of head – a cripple etc. You look at this one track big fellow look at that. No only thin one. fed pici. again Irritja catch wallaby. Went out again. played along sky. Come down find big fellow camp etc. Kept 3 b.f. got boils. Wantu say My mate – well done. No You get some big camp. Search bush think him might sit down No me only got 3 fellow. Wan G.f.[?] along of hole had gone in. Wantu said hallo I cant fit in. Irritja say you go & try here. Him


try. No cant catch em. Close up every[?]. Think what shall I do. Oh must get em forked stick I think. Him catch one. no this too straight. go further away. at last got one Ί. Put stick in. catch one b.f. by & by & have him out. kill him. Fetch out other 2 & kill em. Try again – no nothing sit down more – Cook. eat em. Eat 1 himself & took 2 along picin. Karark (Irritja) catch wallaby. Wantu wantu ^when away say sorry for his fm. been away along time. Returning Irritja came to 3. Say hallo you here alone. Old man come up you em away. No no suppose him growl let him come up. No you run away. No. You see him – yes let him come. suppose him want to fight let him come. No never mind em[?] growl you run away. Wantu see him all right. Him come up. Hallo said 3 hallo wh. way me run away. no too late now. I think I go make you


wing. No too late now you cant run away now. Oh well all right me lie down & change himself into bark. or rather Irritja chuked[?] dust over him to make him look like bark. Wantu came up. Hallo where you been put 3. Irritja said I don’t know which way him go. Wantu run about all over to look out track. Cant get him. Ah well me no wait I think me light em fire. Me chuck up this one bark along fire. Takes up 3 & throws him in fire. Burn all feathers off 3 say Tuk. tuk. tuk etc. Oh then be is then jumped up out of fire & chased him round & round. Cant catch him. Cant hold him chase him long way. Sun down now. Let him sip must go back along fire. Next day start out again. 4 camp of husband of 3. Kutta Kutta go inside wurley of 4 to hide. The natives were out of camp when he went in. brother in


[header note] 5 is kata kata little lizard man.
law was bellbird. Natives come back . sit down by & by 3 moved slightly. Baku Baku (4) smell him. Hallo what name burn 3 little bit move more. 5 smell him also. Hallo someone burn. Do you smell him (to 4). Yes me smell him. All about camp smell him. Cant make it out. By & by kutta kutta come out catch hold of spear. Sing out. Tell em self two fellow …. …. put me along of fire. They say Oh well all right 4 & 5 told two fellow Itjungarara (Erublura pictis) say you go today along Wantu wantu take tomahawk & cut that tree down where they live. The two birds go & cut tree down. Left tree standing supported only by bark. The whole mob came up for camp of 4 & 5 surrounded the camp of 1 & 2 marching in 2 columns
[sketch of outer circle with three inner circles numbered 1,2 and 2 direction arrows]
bark = pitjameru
kadirri = hill
tjurkukalla = hard stone
stone = kadna


Irritja got lot wallaby. Wantu lot of kumpiria ^dead blacks. Irritja lead. Chuck wallaby along pic. in tree Wantu chuck kumpuria to pic. in nest. went wrong way. twice several times. …. irritja catch em. Wantu said you feed my boys[?] No I cant. Irritja fly round tree & then settle on nest. Wantu ditto on his nest. He fell when Wantu landed on nest. Bell bird come up break arm of irritja. Irritja say you no kill em me kill em Wantu & picaninny. Mob kill em. Wantu & keep Irritja alive. Bell bird said I think we all about catch em Wilyaru now me been kill em Wantu you paint make em mark along back all same me. ^Bell bird say Baku Baku wa^jiri thidna we ^winmuru in imrur e win mur e baku ba kunga.
[words circled] thinna we mura
Made churibaliri which Anna Creek men have no use when make wilyaru.
Thithia = hard skin on bottom part of foot muru – hand or foot
Baku baku bell bird got foot like bark.


nape of neck wilyaru mark
[sketch showing 2 patterns of cut marks]
Baku baku got em
2 churibaliri churinga kudna kudna =
2 little crystals. spring up with baku baku. When make Wilyaru only wilyaru present no kulpi. Mat & Rin. all together. Any nilyara may catch a kulpi. Icke see along bush. Bring him in marry to lubra. paint him ^with charcoal all over and show him to women. Lubra make fire all night. No one sleep. The young man round[?] with string. Lubra stand round. run round. Put him on ashes in warm place. Cut him along morning. Put him down on belly on bushes. Hit him hard along back – all of men
Father brother. Mother brother { Witiwa}


Kankuka. Unkulla make cuts. This on first day. Grease em. when cut show kudna kudna & churibaliri tell them tradition. No tell kulpi no women no boy only talk to wilyaru. If tell kulpi will him. After cutting send away along bush. Stay out till back all right. Eats anything.
Sing you no more young man now you no frightened along wilyaru you sit down quietly along
[lines drawn of inverted Y, possibly linking lines of text?]
Rub blood over body mixed with grease & charcoal
Onk tie string round neck.
When releasing from ban of silence kankuka etc has to give food to old men (all) all inlyan who first of all touch his mouth with a small piece of food then the young man’s & then pinch[?] arm of latter Young man has to give food to every inlyan he meets after this. Ceremony ^of releasing = Yaninta

Wonka = talk. , Tanianna – tongue
Pidma - lips


lubra call noise of churibaliri ^witurna witanna
lubra not know word churibaliri
B.f. tell women it is debil debil
Pigeon Kuruluru little pigeon (dove)
Sound like name[?] white …. speckled
Cave = india or intia
“All same Afghan” term of speech
Kurara merkuna = cloud rising ^name of Mt.


Aug 11 Tuesday
Mat. man north Mat.
next time jump up along Kiraru[?] Panga.
Mat. Bulth. north Mat Purula. go along Kir. Pan. jump Kir. Kum. Mat. Pankya. woman is Nowillie of him. no more me womba me all same nowillie.
Inheritance of affects.
If Mat. North[?] die a Bulthara who is kupuka gets his things & distributes them amongst other kupuka who also takes his lubra.
mother[?] is mungunda (ashamed) Kupuka cuts off hair & whiskers Make waist string mardí = general name. for dead men = tata about 18 inch long
When goes to avenge death wears tata. K.dra not see tata made out of Mat. hair.


Suppose Mat. ^elder sister trouble[?] …. cut hair & mix with brothers.
[margin note] Avenging
Kupuka & witiwa of dead man walk other men (of other side of tribe) walk at one side look on.
side walk along
Onlookers = pankinga uquaunda
Slayers = ipur^rakurta
 ipurrunkurta
/ \
go ahead walk along
ippurrunkurta unpa
go ahead you
nat aru unturyurtaru wonkakan^unga ,
Countrymen bury dead man (killed by avengers)
Kupuka ^unkulla witiwa (except actually).

Kill man at midnight . at daylight grease (snake &lizard) grease. One line charcoal down middle of breast ( Th T^hunabirri = black line)


[header notes] heath? apulka = dream
put eremophila (Udnirriya) called yerta along nose. forehead band[?] round girdle Go back along camp. Kumpirra follows up. Get back to camp. got some Shields tested. Only man hit shield.
Maninunda = hitting shield.
Kumpirra walk follows up in form curlew (widlu) hear widlu – Kumpirra now hurt em.
narung kerta = breath.
unka = spirit of live man kumpirra when dead.
mai aurli = murrra murra
mudlanti – no good gnurku– good.
[margin note] Int.
At salt Creek when make fish (paru) jump up. fish man (wonkonguru tribe) got little bone 1½ in long. kadla pitjera stick into scrotum & skin close to navel (minda) Paint with ochre goes in


[header note] Edward Herbert Lees
Wonkgongaru }
Namanni } all same as urabanna
Yarra warra urirka }
Gurungarri }
Dieri }
Yadlianti } mudlanti
Quiani }
to water sits down in water. puts bones in water. 4 2 in scrotum 2 in skin round navel.
Then bones jumped up along uralaku. Blood goes into water. …. & blood changes into fish.
After performance of snake intitj
An An uta ^nanni wobma
here is
he says true Unta ^ see em tani urquari
you eat all about
If sent without permission he says by & by you no see obma
Rubs his arm with fat of the snake given to him by a kupuka who is not a snake.


Before making womba intitj. cuts hair off face &arm brings it puts it with & wraps padni (bones up in it).
kurdnalunda = sleep
when dream think spirit goes out of body & walk about.
walkinda thinks spirit can leave body during sleep & not come back then man lies down walkinda. cant get up Doctor come back in a day or two.

{ Purula Panunga
Kirarura {Kumara

Mathurie {Bulthara
Father of M. Bult is K. Panunga
Calls M. Bult calls K. Pan. Nowillia
“ “ “ K. Kun. Apilia


[header note] doctor
Minparu = doctor
(at CW = ungulara =walku in darkness).
Caught by his father who was a doctor. Laid him down on ^back belly on ground. Put water (saliva) on stomach [arrow from saliva]  watna waru. Caused his insides to melt. 2 days lay ^ribbed down. Gave him a little water & tucker. Rubbed first one night & next morning again. Then looked at his tongue. l When his insides get hard about a week can then eat anything. Sucks blood when treating. puts saliva on & rubs. Lost doctor forever[?] when had fit of shaking.
Woman pregnant cannot eat snake. lizard not parenthie but can small lizard. No
[margin note] pregnant woman eating restrictions[?]
kangaroo. can have wallaby. no turkey. no porcupine. can fish, little rats, no no emu or emu eggs. eat duck.


Neither man nor woman eat eaglehawk now or along alcheringa. All hawks ????? Don’t eat irritja because he was good in the alcheringa & the wantu wantu because he was bad. Eat crow. kukuntha (small hawk). Don’t eat ullakuppura because does not rest here belongs to another country. Eat kadlari a ‘white’ kite (smoky coloured). Yikonara – dasyurus eat him.
If kutta kutta eaten is sick.
Baku baku eat. Pigeon & shag . eat Rutnatjilli water him eat
No lubra eats porcupine.
When wife pregnant husband not eat porcupine. Goes about bush catching anything except echidna.
No idea of arumburinga
Muttharpatu waru
big old man grey


Wita = head man
Katu w
bataliluna inga unta u
bati bakutunkerta = teach.
Kutju = kurdaitcha. Shoes made of string with wallaby fur inside. call the shoes wakumbera
Muntilieru ^little rat an old woman sat down got pic. in belly at Mulatana sprang up there. Tititari ^(small red lizard) woman pic. born titari a little red lizard chuk em ^mai aurli. Another pic. tjadlatjadla another lizard this only mai aurli Chuk him not[?] no got. Another pic. come up inside her that one murpani (a sk little skink) him mai aurli. Got another pic. this one walalta (another little lizard). Chuck em. him mai aurli. Get another. Tjupu ( little


lizard. Chuck him. mai aurli Get another watu markadji ( wardna murkatia (an ^small ….). chuck. mai aurli. Another pic. a proper nurdla. boy. tudnungula. keep this one.
[margin note] he is a man. nurlla.
woman started off with pic. camp at Tjinpakana. start off in morning. carrying child. Camped at Therapininna. Next camp at Inkilarinna. met mob of b.f. there. left boy little way behind. She said to unkulla you go & look at my boy. Him see big fellow man big man ^…. by …. Boy Unkulla cry was frightened & went back to camp, Mother said what did you run away from my pic. what for you no play. Boy get big fellow old man grey hair. Him look out & follow girls along mob. [lines drawn indicating next but one sentence inserted here] Go back to his camp with him. Mother say go back with him him your nupa). Big mob b.f. sit down. Old man tied his hair up and old man with mother & 2 quia start


back. mob say which way there 2 quiai. ask one another. Could not see old ma quiai to ask. only old man & mother. Make em shoes follow them. Back to Therapininna (see camp before) Mob Come up wearing shoes. Track em up. kill old man at tjinpakana. Died at Minkarini-wankuna a spring. Buried him. Old woman said you know em all night my fire. your nupa. F Him gamin him dead. Kundaitja go back leave lubras. Two quiai walked along creek. played about. Old man went along under ground to kill Kardibula =kardipirla star tatakana. Him come out there Wardla kampa kampiana & find quiai there & his mother. Camp at Madlngupukna. Found mob quiai at Kurintiltjina. Tried to catch some lubra no been cut. Caught one.


Changed up into Arunta. Same Explan in w iwuripera (=arungqiulthua) & ^dropped Saw semen & called it [arrow pointing to iwuripera] Broke his penis & tumbled down at Atnintjimira.
[margin note] woman also turned into arungqiulthua
lubra all about die. Arunquiltha sit down there. Two fellow stone sit down there. If b.f. go there die. The mai aurli did not subsequently arise. [margin note] Throwing stones keep evil[?] magic in. Very old man go there and chuck stones bushes on the top to keep evil magic in.
Ariltha = periltja
Snake can mary[?] crow woman & emu
Emu ___________ shag. watnimmera (caterpillar)
Parti kukula. urkappe (red ochre)
Kalku parti. shag.
Gnurka = good


gum tree = pita
leaf = palkalulla
Ouring inka = gidgi
Aug 12 Wednesday.
[small sketch of oblong, possibly a leaf, open one end and 3 small circles within]
Geranium = yarappi
Yai tjelka = chenopodium
wilialia = marsh mallow
utu utu = [small sketch of 2 leaves?] big leaf yellow plum[?]
katnunjapitinura = ptilotis
rat ba fundament
rat all day sit down along this
munthara = acacia used for smoking
alkitjara = pin needle acacia
Punturta = circumcision
Cent Caught him at Aljelrekina. Put hand over mouth – ^by \Kadnini (grandfather). No say anything. String round neck neither spoke to the other. Took him to man camp. Boy lay down covered up. lubras made corobborees. Day light
camp [sketch of circle]
2 long Boika[?] [sketch of- annotated] Kadnini shepherd em
lubras little way off
lubras again danced & came into camp. Kadnini tie head up with sting givem by father. Stand up & shu[?]d him in front of lubras. Kadini ran him round lubra singing Wo! Wo! run out into bush. 1 Kadnini went with him walk cal camped at oodnadatta. Boys not allowed to talk. Started


off camped at top of ood. creek. on to Alberga crk. camp. onto Watjinga creek & Stevensons junction Find old b.f. track. Old man yell….[?] will look out little cucmbers along creek . Saw tracks of lubras. Saw b.f. up tree who ran back to his camp & told them boy come up. Old men sing out Pow! Pow! Kad. took him along arm & led him up. Kad & boys sit down. Next morning start catch another mob. bring then back & camp with other mob. bring then all with there b.f. & lubras . camped near Hamilton left lubras there Camp Storm creek. made okira corob. Shu[?]d along boy. Told boys not tell lubra etc. This one alch. kang. Camp oodnadatta. Back to hill the side ood. Made smoke self old man Kad. tell him only talked to mate only talked a little to younger men. Back to Aljelrekina stay all night. lubras then yet[?]. [line to insert after Aljelrekina] past old men & went onto lubras camp. Sit down close to lubras camp little time. Boys & girls played about. 2 b.f. came along took string from head etc. Kadnini. Took him back


round about way to men camp. Sing all day very small wamya mudla wild dog carob. okina. emu. wild dog. Rat. mopoke (belonging to strangers) boy lie down all day. Okirra go along top when finish. Took boy away a little way. Stone knife made by kakuka & mithi. Come back. not see stone. Lie down sing more. Food given to boy. Corob. again sun sink. 1 Tarn kakuka ^Tharu & 1 Kadnini (Donkey Tharu along that Kakuka whose daughter has been promised to him) Me 3 Oknia (father) ^ crouched to form table [?]lay on ground on stomach. Kak. & Kad. lifted him on top. put string along mouth. 1witiwa sat on boys stomach. Kad. cut little bit Kakuka tharu cut em right off. Gave skin to nuthi & stone (gnuri = foreskin) also. Touch ^ all nuthis’ stomach with skin. Puts foreskin on fire stick & buries this in ground. Nuthi took him into bush made little chin balin. gave it donkey to carry about told him


him ^ wu umbumbuninia (=a churinga). him[?] twirl it. Told him to swing this if he wanted blacks to come up if he got plenty mob kadnis lubras not to see it. Gave food to b.f. latter say that maybe you yabber by & by along me. Nuthie sometimes witiwa sometimes shephed him. No eating initiation[?] Not aloud to eat kadni make you sore. Come back sit down lubras not aloud to see him. B.f. Found him mate. Camped along bush with his mate who had been cut. at the same B.f. come into his camp early in mornings. paint boy early in morning. Kakuka came up. took string off hair. Made table of men oknia as before 1 oknia been cut him. put bark on the wound and keep it open string round bark Not keep em[?] all day. Blood just allowed to drip into hole which is covered over. Show him undutth corrob. a big mob] ^ Unkulla & Kad[?]. Say you man now. Suppose you go along lubra you dead as the stone No rogue[?] sit down. to out chan[?] …. lubra. Keep away from your brother lubra sister)


keep to your own wife[?] your own piraungaru In morning make em smoke lubra stand[?] stand round fire. Boy brought up & knelt along fire. mothers keep sisters from hitting him too hard. this hitting = gnuin. means ‘stopping’. Sat down close by in bush wore alpita given by Kad. Lubras & pics. see him. Camp at thilpi (= ungimja)^at right [following words circled] womans uro thilpi wul ula thilpi [line linking to womans]
Lubras nuthi (son of man who cut foreskin) gives mupa to man. [line back to man] tells his son to give girl to boy. Brought in food as present for men who operated. Give food puts food along mouth to make him talk. Kartu = food give as present after initiation gnumaru = food given as present after urlyaru.
Karara = wind I Kararu
wakula = crow I Mtthurri
madli cold. maritja – hot
murtunuka – sweet murtakunta sour bitter
panpurta = taste
salt^taste = gnaruwa talirri = salt


mur^tupurtaputunta = big fellow mob
yappa = wild dog
kaluthurra – wild turkey
meat – punju. bushy tuckout – yittha
[following two lines circled]
meat = kati i u “ “ wurkananyí
in wonkanguru
good = gnurku mudlanti = bad
naltiunda = }
kurtnati tjulpanunda } very sorry
guts see
antha waínuda naniliku
kurtnatí pultunda pain inside [line drawn to bracket above]
kurtnati waltinta pultunda
guts bad hurt pain in stomach
Wonkanguru man [blue line drawn down through section to end of page]
Kartipuka Kir^(Pan) lubra Mat.
pic. Mat. Bult. totem urbma Kurnmara
lubra {illuta ^nudluwatlu (pig faced rat) pic. nudluwadlu
had another lubra a snake/wadnunguni/ who is dead had a pic. all same wadnunguni
Kurlatjatjurari near Birsdville is his paltinita place


Mai aurli sit down along him places When jump die his mai aurli go back along his Nourllie (Mat.). Jump up unkulla along way. witiwa along Donkey.
That Takunta = intitjuna. Him make snake jump up.
[blue line strike down through next two lines]
had Piraungaru - kadni [blue line vertically through 3 lines]
Nudluwadlu piraungaru – Muntakunmara all same himself
Gnurtiriku ^ a Kadini man sent bark from Kadni tree at kadni ocknanikilla along Wonkangaru country & burnt it there & so made kadni jump up. bark represents skin of Kadni.
Uidla = bushy tuck out - used to be made to jump up by uidla men.
Not eat his totem. After he has made intitj. another other bfs bring it up to him when it appears & he rubs his arm with fat[?] …. padnia &tells other men to eat it.


Sexes alternate in Wonkgongaru
Some Urabunna & Some Wonkgongaru knock one or two teeth out. Tjiri-tjiri = ^knocking out teeth. When knock teeth out threw them along mother grura uralakka.
Purturida gnunka [wavy line under and over two words]
bite chin
Kurteabu purtunda
head bite
[margin note] utich
[lines linking mosquito, march fly to ok. drawn to left]
I^arwinnia = mosquito ^break stone up & send it in same[?] direction at Boy Creek
(Moa mo = blowfly blowfly )
Murilla = march fly. ^chuck stone along water
ok. at same place.
Kudnapintjinara – sand fly. chuck along water. all three.
Mulga = wild cat eat him
Kaldu = bull dog ant


[annotated sketch of flower]
Spotted with red unich[?]
Violet Eremophila Yaratta
Yaitjalka, Chenopodium nitraracen?
[annotated sketch of grass stalk]
Kantjaa = general name for grass
Mitchell pea
[annotated sketch of stalk and side branch]
Spiny peny[?] maltu


Korchia Kal Kaldrukurura
[remainder of page turned sideways]
[annotated sketch of stem and leaves] -uilti
[annotated sketch of grass stalk?] -nd Yillika illika
[small annotated sketch of stem and small leaves] -small salt bush Buyungaltja
[annotated sketch of several grass stems] –Karungalla
[annotated sketch of possibly stalk and leaves] – (bols) nuranuka
[annotated sketch possibly of stalk with large leaves] –Utu utu Geranium yar^ripi
[squiggle and two OO crossed out] – salt Paltu


Gnunia – courolvulus like white flower eat leaf and stem.
Aug 13. Thursday
Little Kutta Kutta hawk. get him spots – get his marks when throw[?] along fire.
Kup Kulperu = magpie
Nerri = ‘nail’ on wing of emu
Jaitjapera = Uropygia castanotis
Workala = crow. Crow jump up & lubra together. Got emu two fellow nupa 2 lubras were crows. Little hawk kerikki who was kawkuka of crow. him get nupa who was Kerikki (hawk). Kerikki sing out along crow lubra Kawkuka you send him that lubra along of men – him iturka along of crow I want that lubra. Crow was ashamed – because the crow was nowillie along of hawk. All day Kerikki asked for the lubras. ^I want young lubra. At length crow said all right I send the lubra along of you. A bush wallaby lived close by. Crow said


he would take Kerikki with him to kill wallaby. He said to K. you see that wallaby sit down along that hole. You go & kill tl him. All right I go. He walk & kill him (^wallaby = Mudlugunta) Crow then killed Kerikki because he talked too much along lubra. Workulla took Kerriki lubra as well as his own. Sent K’s lubra to her own place.
Stone with nest on in[?] Tjantipwerta = cloud stone
Stones on far side = meat of wallaby’s thrown out by old rain man when eating tucker.
An old wild dog man of Arunta start along morning big fellow cold come along him face. (Mongu kartununda – cold wind) turn to Urabunna went on to Wonkgonganu country & changed into Wonkgongaru.
Ura = yes. allright.
Urabunna call [….] Karunguni Karunguni & Dieri mixed.
Get red ochre from beyond Erldunda.
yellow ochre near C.W. make by[?] Kadni


Kata = louse. make intitjiuna.
Man make intitj. and seve lice jump up all about. eat louse eat hair up. Louse man has bank (parakka) and gum tree called Kata ^pita & pintjeri – pita (= ‘crab’ tree ^tick) Man comes up along bank. takes dirt from bank & rubs Kata tree. Ditto on pit pintjeri tree. Chuck dirt all about & louse goes all about purple.
Good job that man been die.
Walkinda = rheumatism
K Pitikati = munyeru = witjanta
Wadlia = seed out of gumtree capsules & make damper.
Yelka = irriakura. Dieri call it yana
Wonkgongaru call it yelka
Seed of Munqeru = bauwa
Ukunda to walk


Pigeon (stones at camp) Mulafourra = top knot pigeon (= Inturitta of Arunta)
Aug 14
yampa = no name
pidla = a name (Matjelli is pidla of Daire)
Dark = wanga
night time = miliaru
day time = walta –
quickly = kalka
slowly = yadni
white man = multunda (= from another country)
mate = mirara
munatiburu = male (munati = testes).
yakubbera = female
untha padni = (penis – [?]o) ^Toruika[?] call woman
uilula = lubra
kantjera = grass
undattha = wandattha
gnurka = nice good (almerta & allyirra in Arunta)


Mairiri = wild duck
Waruntha = pelican
Gnanyinku^ratatunda = sneezing
Gninterata =sneeze
The maiaurli at the pigen place can go along any lubra (except mother & her sister). Old ancestor left M Nurdla maiaurli behind at ock. = black fellow spirits.
Yarrakalla = bush from wh. get resin out of roots by heating & then scraping them
walpu yarrakalla = resin from this bush
Buiu = resin from porcupine grass
Put uduiriya bush along by side of body & on top of grave. food for kumpira.
Me emu apulka. Him wobma[?] apulka [sentence circled]
All bfs. come up & look out for tracks on the grave. [sentence circled and arrow linking to second paragraph of next page]


tak pu take some bd. from the grave and burn some of it. women & men putting heads down into it. Smell the dead man. Then rub[?] ochre on themselves.
[arrow from previous page links here]
Bf dies buried lying flat down on grave. Kupuka & Thidnara caries man to grave Thidnarra woman carry his feet. Kupuka man carry wifes[?] . Thidnara men at head Thidnara woman at feet. March round grave in wide circle. lay him down by side of grave. Witiwa & Thidnara men go into grave. Thid & Kupuka take body & hand it to them shouting Wai-wai. put bushes along body then udrurinjita bushes as food.
Take little logs & place it them by his side to keep anything like wild dogs from digging up body. Live Kupuka man lies down for a little while above body. Then Thidnura take his


place with Thid. lubra & then kupuka lubra. then cover him up. Make mound over grave & stump upright on top. to show where the [sketch of sump in mound] feet are. Clear all round the ground. Come up tomorrow or tonight to see if there are any tracks. Say thipa-thipa (ant) Clear all round again. Come up in morning see dog track Say oh him been come up along another country. Tomorrow morning come up see nothing. Finish em. If see wobma track then wobma been kill him. Put two big branches along side. above udrurinjita bushes. Thid Kupuka & Witiwa ^ men & women take bushes (ud) along camp. & crouch lie down over smoke. Then cut their hair off & mix it with dead man hair & make. talla.


Aug 15
Matjilli = full in the throat as a snake bf when swallowing[?]
Barki ingi = in the sunshine
Want Wantjalli (Donkey) = drying up water
Merkilli = rain from rain song.
Meri kanku la Meri kank ula
Ill illth.
Toomerny kear kera
thick boomerang kanti
Spear kadji shield mulu warth
Woomera munkurara
yamstick wadna
Name = pidla
In Quiani tribe Stuarts Creek. Kir. lubra dies fat taken from breast[?] & arm Kapuka cut it out[?] give it along his siter. mix it with udrurinjita bush & all about Kiraraura men & women eat. Woman in Kir. Pan. Pan. Kum eat her.


In Urapunnu when Kup & Thid lay down on dead persons they inhale deeply the idea being to inhale ^smell [line linking with comment below] of dead man & fill their guts with him. After that they eat very little for a few days.
[link to word “smell” above] not the spirit – kumpirra.
Punanirra werka ^( a Quiani b.f.) changes into eaglehawk & travels from Stuart Creek to Peake in night. stick claws into b.f. & kill them.
his father taught him. Wokgongaru also very frightened of him. He is a Mat. Pur. man of Eaglehawk totem.
Goanna is kapirri Parenthe = parenthi
kadni – jew lizard
Witiwa Kakukla & Nuthie knock teeth out two upper incisors. After operation they must have present of food & th patients released from ban of silence. Teeth thrown towards mothers mira alcheringa.


[page turned sideways]
[annotated sketch of landscape]
sleet grey
-light yellow pink
-2 dark belts of trees
-dark tussocks of reeds with whitish ground
Southern line[?]of creek
yellow pans
dark purple to brown[?] foreground
whitish patches with tussocks of rushes


[page turned sideways]
[annotated sketch of landscape]
…. ….
light green



Cir Kir iki – name hawk

M. A. Buelth. Panda = foot
B. Pur

K. C. Pan
D. Kun

[written sideways]
M m son M w.
K w. child K.
[continuing upright]
K d x M
M a x K d. children K.c.
Marangundi. Thumb
Mara = hand
[sketch of hand with fingers bracketed]
Marakupa {written against index finger]

Rights: Museum Victoria