My dear Howitt,
I have been speaking to Professor Masson in regard to the question of how to set to work to secure a Civil List pension. Unfortunately he has only a vague recollection but says that a kind of petition was sent from Melbourne & the rest was managed in England.
Accordingly I have drafted a short statement which if you approve of it we can get signatures to in Australia.
I took it down to the Royal Society this evening intending to get some signatures but on reflection decided that as it contained matter of a personal nature I would send it to you for your perusal before doing anything. Masson tells me that it will be necessary to state something in regard to Fison's pecuniary position & as this is a rather delicate & personal matter I would like to have your advice as to whether anything in the documents is
likely to be disagreeable to our friend & his family before showing it to strangers.
If you think the statement a suitable one will you please sign it & I think it would be advisable for you to add your degree. In a petition sent out from England asking the Governments of Victoria & S.A. to grant Gillen & myself leave of absence to go into Central Australia I noticed that everyone stated exactly who he was.
I have left the first space for Chief Justice Way of S.A. & will also get Professor Stirling of Adelaide to sign as he has very considerable influence at home. In Sydney we can get Professor David the President of the A.A.S. & in New Zealand Captain Hutton the ex-president.
My only fear is that before we can get the petition signed & sent home it may be too late. I will write by next mail to Frazer & tell him that the document is coming. Siyden can write to Dr Macdonald.
The Head Tutor of Trinity is Dr.
Jackson but it would be quite enough if you were to write to Frazer & Ridgeway. When the document is signed out here it had better be sent to Frazer with a request that he will take such steps as are necessary to put it in form.
I hope that before long we may see you again.
Yours very sincerely
W. Baldwin Spencer.