Spencer & Gillen

A journey through Aboriginal Australia

Stott Family Collection

Stott Collection

The South Australian Museum hosted a visit from the descendants of Robert Stott - Borroloola police trooper and ultimately police - commissioner in Central Australia. Stott was posted to Alice Springs in 1911, and was still there in 1926 when Spencer made his return visit. The family have preserved three interesting documents which relate to the Spencer and Gillen collection. The first consists of two sheets of paper on which Spencer has annotated pencil rubbings of three small tjurunga. Presumably these were collected by Stott or Spencer during the latter's visit, and Spencer made rubbings of them and left Stott with the annotations. Luckily they've been preserved to the extent that it should be possible to identify the objects, if they are in fact (still) within the Museum Victoria's collection. The third item is a signed full-length coloured photograph of Spencer, with the inscription: 'To Mr & Mrs Stott, with the kindest regards of W. Baldwin Spencer, June 23 1924'.

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