Spencer & Gillen

A journey through Aboriginal Australia

Hughes Waterhole, South Australia


Thursday, May 10th.~ Camp No. 5; bar. 2984in., ther. 32°. Nearly two hours were occupied in arranging the camels' loads. The greater part of to-day's journey was across uninteresting stony plains. The last few miles, over .red sandhills almost destitute of vegetation, were equally unattractive. At ten miles we passed the Opossum Waterhole, and at twenty-two miles we camped at Hughes Waterhole, a long narrow cavity of no great depth, containing rain water strongly impregnated with clay and vegetable matter, which gives the liquid a milky appearance. The country in the vicinity at present has almost all the attributes of a dreary desert. Of grass there is none, and nearly all the bushes have been destroyed by stock watering here; consequently the camels and horses will fare badly to-night. Additions to the ornithological, botanical, biological, and geological collections have been made, not only at this point, but at every camp and on every possible opportunity during the journey.

Place Details

Specific Location
Hughes Waterhole
South Australia


  • Horn Expedition 1894