Spencer & Gillen

A journey through Aboriginal Australia

Sir, Spencer, Walter Baldwin

Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer was the second director of the National Museum of Victoria, a noted biologist, photographer, editor, anthropologist and influential advocate of modern Australian art. In 1887, he was made the Professor of Biology at the University of Melbourne. In 1894 he was appointed as photographer and zoologist to the Horn Scientific Exploring Expedition to central Australia. Whilst in Alice Springs he developed a personal friendship and professional relationship with Francis J. Gillen. Their collaboration in anthropological research began in earnest during the summer of 1896-97 where they documented a number of ceremonies performed by the Arrernte people from the Alice Springs region. Spencer and Gillen's publications had a profound influence on the early development of anthropology, particularly in Europe.

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Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer
Skin Name
Date of Birth
23rd June 1860
Stretford, Lancashire, England
Alternate Names